Can you travel with multiple partners and keep things enjoyable for everyone? | I'm Poly and So Can You

I have a primary and a secondary partner who I love very dearly. I see them actively multiple times a week, and I live with my primary full time. My birthday is coming up soon, and I would love to plan a weekend trip that involves all of us going somewhere. We have regular family dinners and coffee dates, so we're used to hanging out together in the same space. So my question is: How does one go traveling with multiple partners while keeping the trip enjoyable for everyone?

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Andre Shakti
Facebook owes "real names" crusader Dottie Lux a whole lotta dough | I'm Poly and So Can You

In September 2014, hundreds of LGBTQ people, Native Americans, survivors of domestic and sexual violence, political dissidents, and other sexual, ethnic, or cultural minorities found their Facebook profiles unceremoniously reported as “fake” and subsequently removed from the site or blocked, while others had their profiles changed to their legal names without their consent. Users soon learned that this was the result of a new “real names” policy, and it didn’t take long for marginalized communities to come together and advocate for the reformation of this dangerous and discriminatory policy via the #MyNameIs campaign.

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Andre Shakti
Can you turn infidelity into healthy polyamory? | I'm Poly and So Can You

For more than two years, I was seeing a married man. Several months ago, his wife figured things out. We took a break while they talked. He is interested in establishing a poly-type relationship, but he is not sure his wife would be open to it. Do you think it is possible for him to establish a poly relationship out of something that started out as non-ethical non-monogamy? If so, how should he go about it?

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Andre Shakti